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What Exactly is a Laser Printer?

by The Digital Trendz

The Laser Printer

A laser printer differs in function and efficiency from inkjet printing. Unlike an inkjet printer, a laser printer works with toner ink. This ink is in the form of a powder. On an inkjet printer, you will be in the presence of liquid ink.

It is advisable to opt for a [laser printer] if you have a large number of pages to print. A [laser printer] will save you time. A laser toner can print an average of 1,000 to 10,000 pages.

The laser model is also interesting in terms of performance, as the printing process is very different from the inkjet model. This type of printer will allow you to reproduce your texts and graphics in high quality. The [laser printer] by its definition will avoid ink stains on your paper documents, and more particularly on image prints. Laser toner works by means of a xerographic printing system.

How A Laser Printer Works

The principle is based on a xerographic printing system. The laser uses a physical principle: static electricity. For information, in a laser printer, one of the components of the device is a laser.

First, the device will charge the first roll of electrical charges. Then the laser joins the roller and writes on it in negative. The goal is to eliminate the negative charges present on the roller, by means of the laser beams. Second, once the negative charges are cleared, it is time to charge the toner. It is in fact ink in powder, which a second roller will come to apply on the first. And finally, in the third step, the device will heat the paper to 200 ° by means of a third roller. The goal is to melt the toner so that it sticks to the paper permanently.

The operation of the laser printer follows the same system. However, with a printer, the process is repeated independently for each color, including cyan, magenta, and primary yellow. Unlike other printer models, this time around, it’s black and white printing that will take a little longer.

The Advantages Of Choosing A Laser Print

Compared to an inkjet printer, the laser printer has many advantages.

An Economic Aspect

When purchasing, the laser printer costs much more. However, in the long run it is a great investment, as it consumes much less ink than an inkjet printer.

A Qualitative Aspect

A laser printer is not only more efficient, but also more durable than the inkjet model. It has been designed with strong and robust components, intended to withstand intensive use.

A Practical Aspect

A [laser printer is designed to be fast and efficient. The print speed of a laser model is on average 20 to 50 pages per minute, compared to 10 to 12 pages on an inkjet printer. Print quality is crisp and precise, especially for color prints.

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