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Tips on Selecting an Ideal Phone Plan

by The Digital Trendz

So, you have finally decided to settle on a phone plan but don’t know exactly where to start? Well, you don’t need to worry since we have sourced expert advice and summarized them in a manner that won’t cause any confusion. These tips will help you save more than some users who have been on phone plans for most of their lives.

Understand your Bundle Needs

A bundle package basically refers to the amount of data, Texts or Caller minutes your carrier will give you for a certain price. Normally these are bundled together so that you get a slice of everything. By this, you can immediately understand why not all users are the same. Just because your workmate is on a better data package doesn’t mean their minutes package is also that good. So you need to find a good balance based on your specific needs.

If you have home Wi-Fi, then consider a cheap mobile phone plan that comes with a phone, and a Sim-plan with more caller minutes and messaging as compared to data. This prevents you from having to pay twice for data, especially when the Wi-Fi costs are cheap or even free.

However if you are constantly on the move and cannot rely on public Wi-Fi, then your next best bet is a premium data and caller minutes package. Lately, messaging packages have been reducing in prices so getting an average SMS package would be ideal.

Pay as You Go versus Packages

Pay AsYou go is a great option if you don’t want to commit to any plans immediately. It allows you to only pay for what you use and this option is better left for users who have cultivated the discipline to know just how much data or minutes they need at any particular time. You simply load your phone with data and minutes you require and use until till you are content.

Though Pay as you go is ideal for travelers, it might not be ideal if you intend to commit to a plan in the long term. For long term plans, choose a phone plan that comes with a suitable phone for your needs. Here you can consider the features of the phone since you’ll need it to serve you for a longer time. The Sim-only plan is also a good alternative if you already have a great phone and you are simply looking for a package plan for data, SMS and minutes.

The phone plan that works best for you should be one that you can pay off easily without breaking a sweat. There is no point in getting stuck on an expensive phone plan simply because you did not read the fine print, or you were too distracted by the shiny new phone and ignored the costly charges.

Make sure you fully understand the contract and whether there are any offers that might expire in the course of your payment so as to make prudent choices which will benefit you in the long term.

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